



  Pr. Jean Raymond GAVARRI

During the period 1973-1989, Jean-Raymond Gavarri developed at the university Paris XIII studies on the defective structure of iron monoxide (wüstite). Neutron diffraction was at the center of structural studies as a function of pressure or in situ conditions (at high temperatures). During the years 1993-2004, a series of studies on the thermochromic applications of VO2 oxide were carried out at the university of Toulon on materials for optical switching thermal regulation, IR discretion...). Now, Jean-Raymond Gavarri currently works at the IM2NP - Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence - UMR CNRS 7334, Université de Toulon. Jean-Raymond does research in Catalysis, Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter Physics. Their current project is 'Photosensitive materials.'


  Pr. Ahmed TARA

41 ans, actuellement, Maître de conférences à l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne et Directeur de la Lic. Pro. Packaging. Correspondant des relations internationales du laboratoire LISM et Elu au conseil académique de la ComUE de l'Université de Champagne. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies obtenu à l'Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes suivi par un doctorat en Génie des procédés et des matériaux soutenu en 2005 à l'Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Emballage et Conditionnement (URCA-Reims). Il était également Ingénieur Responsable QSE dans le groupe Vinci Energies à Paris. Il co-dirige actuellement deux thèses de doctorat dont une en cotutelle avec l'UIZ dans le cadre du projet Toubkal 2018 - PHC. A son actif une vingtaine de publications internationales avec comité de lecture dans le domaine des bio-polymères, des matériaux et du procédé d’extrusion.


  Pr. Amane JADA

Is a Scientific Researcher at Institut de Sciences des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M-UMR 7361 CNRS - UHA), located in Mulhouse, France. Mr A. Jada has an expertise in the colloidal science. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1988 from the University of Louis Pasteur located in Strasbourg-France. He did his Ph. D thesis at the Institut Charles Sadron (Strasbourg-France), on structures and dynamics of water in oil microemulsions. He then joined the Research Center on the Physico Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (CRPCSS), located in Mulhouse-France in 1989. In 1995, the CRPCSS becomes the Institute of Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (ICSI). Mr Amane JADA has obtained the Accreditation Diploma, in structure and dynamics of liquid-liquid and solid-liquid colloidal dispersions, to supervise research and PhD students, of the Haute Alsace University (ICSI, Mulhouse- France, June 1996). In January 1, 2009, three laboratories in Mulhouse (Institute of Science of Materials of Mulhouse, ICSI, Laboratory of Materials with Controlled Porosity, LMPC, and Laboratory of Physics and Electronic Spectroscopy, LPSE) were gathered to yield Institut de Sciences Des Matériaux De Mulhouse (IS2M). Mr A. JADA develops research which include various topics such as colloidal dispersions and stabilities, crystallogenesis of inorganic particles in the presence of polymeric additives, surface charge and electrophoretic behaviours of inorganic oxides in organic media, adsorption of molecular and copolymers surfactants at solid-liquid interface, surface charges in aqueous medium of asphaltenes, bitumen, bitumen emulsions, humic substances, carbon black, clay particles, etc. Moreover, the activities of Mr A. JADA are devoted also to supervise Ph.D. and M.S students, and to teach course on colloids ‘behaviours of and methods to study Colloidal Systems’ at the University of Haute Alsace (Masters Degree). His research work has been attributed about 200 publications and lectures in the world. Moreover, Mr A. JADA is Associated Editor of Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology since 2012; member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Open Colloid Science Journal since 2008; he served and he is still serving as a Reviewer in many international journals.


  Pr. Ahmed IHLAL

Après obtention du diplôme de baccalauréat en 1980 Ahmed Ihlal a rejoint l'université Mohamed V où il a obtenu une licence es sciences Physique en 1984. Il obtint ensuite le Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies en énergie solaire à l'Université Paris VII, puis un doctorat en 1988 de l'université de Caen Basse-Normandie. Il commença sa carrière de professeur à l'université Ibn Zohr, Agadir en 1988. En 1995, il obtint un diplôme de doctorat d'Etat. Actuellement Ahmed Ihlal est Enseignant chercheur à l'Université Ibn Zohr. Il est directeur du laboratoire Matériaux et Energies Renouvelables. Il est auteur et co-auteur de près de 80 papiers scientifiques publiés dans plusieurs revues de renommée internationale. Il a encadré plusieurs doctorants. Il a créé une licence professionnelle dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables et efficacité énergétique. Il a mis en place plusieurs partenariats public privé (IRESEN, Azad Environnement, CNRST..). Ahmed Ihlal est expert au près du CNRST et du centre Marocain de l'Innovation. Il est « reviewer » pour plusieurs maisons d’édition et en particulier Elsevier. Il a bénéficié de plusieurs mobilités financées par des organismes internationaux (GIZ, DAAD, AUF).


  Pr. András KISS

András Kiss has been focusing on the Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (SECM) since he began his doctoral studies in 2011 at the Department of General and Physical Chemistry of the University of Pécs, Hungary. He worked out several new ways to improve the technique, such as new scanning patterns, deconvolution and the application of new scanning tips. Until 2017 the main area where he applied these new methods was corrosion science, mostly to study the corrosion of magnesium and its alloys. Since 2017 he is focusing on the biological applications of the SECM, namely to study biological pattern formation and its connection with chemical pattern formation, and single cell immunological studies with the SECM."

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